Products & Solutions

VisFlakes® - LightWeight Visualization Integration

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Evolving landscape of automotive

Transportation Industry, specifically with EVs - Automotive landscape is continuously evolving. Many players have to work together and play a significant role in product development. OEMs, Tier-1 Suppliers (0.5,1,2,3), Co-Development Partners, Component Manufacturers (Battery, Drivetrain), Software new entrants, Mobility providers, Content providers, Energy Distributors etc. New entrants are more focused in their product portfolio and activities along the value chain, increasing the competitive pressure on established OEMs. Today’s consumer is more connected than ever before, with focus on Explore, Experience and Buy – Online. Companies are now leveraging technology to know their customers far better than ever before. This allows organizations to provide you a personalized experience that suits your specific needs. Specifically, in the post COVID-era, more and more business development is occurring in a purely digital context.

Importance of 3D CAD: Across Product Development Value Chain, Visual Data Thread!

Looking at global trends, the focus of the transformation is now expanding beyond the boundaries of Collaborative Engineering & Manufacturing, covering the End-to-End Product Development Value Chain - Working as single source of truth to provide unique and coherent information to all stakeholders across the product development lifecycle. Engineering and Manufacturing play a critical role in the design-test-build phases of product development, other departments, such as marketing, sales, service, quality, training, and technical documentation, also play heavily into the successful rollout and support of final products. However, not all companies are taking advantage of leveraging 3D CAD data to these important downstream design participants.

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Manufacturers today possess a wealth of data in their 3D models, but many aren’t using it to generate insights that can lead to positive change. The ability to share 3D data downstream with non-engineering departments can deliver significant bang for the buck by increasing productivity, optimizing workflows, and providing non-technical personnel with a voice in the development of new products.While engineering and manufacturing departments intuitively understand the value of 3D CAD, companies must educate, train and encourage these downstream design participants to use and understand the extended value of 3D CAD data and how they can use it to be more productive and better contribute to the success of future products. Whether people are reviewing product designs, collaborating with suppliers, manufacturing and servicing products, or maintaining plants and facilities, traditional documentation can delay time to market, extend training time, and necessitate costly document translations. And reliance on outdated information can lead to poor decisions. Visual content – animated, 3D images – can provide accurate product and asset views and information to users that simplify complex processes and details and speed comprehension and learning. The 3D model is going to play a leading role in more and more production chains – Pulling Engineering, Manufacturing & Customer Services on the same plateau to optimize and maximize collaboration, enabling Digital & Data Continuity Across the Tool Chain: Remove non-value & provide unique and coherent information to all stakeholders across the product development lifecycle.

3D CAD Data – Sample Usecases for Downstream Value Chain

Vertex Software, a 3D visualization software, is a premier communication medium for the future of human innovation. Vertex strive every day to accelerate global innovation, discovery, and idea exchange. Vertex solutions drive customer satisfaction, grow market share, engage suppliers and partners, and energize employees.

What Makes Vertex Different


Vertex is stream pixels, not part files, ensuring your IP is always protected from incidental disclosure.


Vertex deliver a revolutionary zero-install, cloud-based approach to industrial 3D visualization that supports scale of use and quality never before thought possible


Vertex is ideal for broadly distributed 3D solutions for mobile and low-power devices common to supply chain, sales, service, and factory workflows in multi-CAD and multi-PLM organizations.


Visualize large 3D models that are otherwise impossible to view even on today’s most powerful computers. Instantly view CAD or BIM data of full products and entire factories.


Vertex make integration with manufacturing systems easy. Eliminate cumbersome 3D data translation workflows. Merge data from multiple CAD, BIM, and PLM systems and associate metadata from any source effortlessly.


Vertex provide turnkey web-based software and developer tools that make sharing 3D data and embedding 3D content in software applications fast and easy.

Vertex Use Cases & Solutions

PLM & Vertex Integration – High Level Solution View

With Enterprise PLM application and Enterprise Viz platform like vertex – Digital Twin can be achieved improving time to market and engage buyers with true-to-life product experiences.

Features in Techflakes Integrator

Real-time integration that ensures immediate and seamless flow of CAD, Visualisation files into Vertex from PLM

Data Consistency is maintained by retaining Type, Name, Revision as a key mapping in between PLM & Vertex

Option of Full BOM or Assembly or Component level files can be transferred through integration

Triggers & Events based sync options can be configures. Scheduled, On-Demand, Product Release events are typical ways to initiate the data flow and complete it.

Configurable attributes mapping is provided by simply updating the mapping XML file; Admin can update the configuration XML to map the OOTB and Custom attributes between PLM & Vertex.

File Types supported by integrator are same types of files supported by PLM Products and Vertex; integrator is configurable for the required file types.