MBSE Technical Use Cases
Sr. No Domain ASPICE Process Category Use Case Type Use Cases Sub Use Cases 
1 Requirement Management   Requirement Authoring Define the Business Requirements Define the Business Objective
        Define Scope of the Project
  SYS.1.BP1, SYS.1.BP2, SYS.1.BP3, SYS.1.BP4, SYS.1.BP5   Define the Stakeholder/User Requirements Define the Requirements specifically from Stakeholder/User point of view
  SYS.2.BP1, SYS.2.BP2, SYS.2.BP3     Define the Stakeholder/User goals
  SYS.2.BP4, SYS.2.BP5, SYS.2.BP6     Define the Stakeholder/User input/output details
  SYS.2.BP7, SYS.2.BP8     Define Business rules
        Define the Quality Objectives
  SWE.1.BP1, SWE.1.BP2, SWE.1.BP3      
  SWE.1.BP4, SWE.1.BP5, SWE.1.BP6   Define the System level Requirements Define the Functional level System Requirements
  SWE.1.BP7, SWE.1.BP8     System Behavior
        Define system level technical requirements
  SUP.4.BP1, SUP.4.BP2, SUP.4.BP3     System Interface related requirements
  SUP.4.BP4, SUP.4.BP5, SUP.4.BP6     Define the system related non-functional requirements
  SUP.4.BP7, SUP.4.BP8      
      Define the Norms and Compliance related requirements Define the Safety Goals 
  SUP.2.BP1, SUP.2.BP2, SUP.2.BP3     Define system related safety requirements
  SUP.2.BP4,SUP.2.BP5     Capture the Requirements related to governments standards and quality standards
        Define Cybersecurity related requirements
  MSE.1.BP1, MSE.1.BP2, MSE.1.BP3      
  MSE.1.BP4, MSE.1.BP5, MSE.1.BP6 Requirements Decomposition System (Functional) Level Requirement decomposition Identify the Main system level requirements
  MSE.1.BP7, MSE.1.BP8     Define the Sub Systems and their requirements
        Define the component level requirements
  MCE.1.BP1, MCE.1.BP2, MCE.1.BP3      
  MCE.1.BP4, MCE.1.BP5, MCE.1.BP6   Define the Mechanical System related Requirements Specify mechanical system requirements.
  MCE.1.BP7, MCE.1.BP8     Structure mechanical system requirements
        Specify mechanical component requirements
        Structure mechanical component requirements
      Define the Hardware related Requirements Specify Hardware system requirements.
        Structure Hardware system requirements
      Define the Software related Requirements Specify Software requirements.
        Structure Software requirements
      Non Functional Level Requirement Decomposition Decomposition of Safety related requirements for all levels
        Decomposition of Cyber Security related requirements for all levels
        Decomposition of Other compliance standard related requirements for all levels
    Requirements Attribute Mapping Define the Requirements Attribute  Identify the all attributes for Requirement Types
        Define the values and type for each attribute
    Requirement Verification Requirement Review Process Define the Requirement Review Process for each type of Requirement
        Create the Review Workflow diagram for each type of Requirement (along with Workflow state naming convention)
        Identify the roles for requirement workflow approval
      Requirement Verification criteria Develop the Requirement verification strategy
        Develop criteria for verification.
    Requirement Traceability Defining the Requirement Structure Identify the Requirements types
        Create the Requirement Structure (High Level to Low Level)
      Establish the Requirement traceability Create the requirement traceability table
        Define the requirement link type (relation)
        Define the Requirement link relationship matrix
        Establish the Requirement and test case linking 
        Establish the bi-directional traceability between Requirements as per matrix 
        Link the Requirements to System Model
        Create Requirement links with test cases, logical design, Physical design,
    Roles and Responsibility Identify the Roles and Responsibilities Create the list of Functional Roles
        Define the Responsibilities of each role
        Create the Process flow diagram and identify the role for each step
    Requirement Release Requirement Release Process Create the Requirement Release Check list
        Define the Requirement Release activity ownership
    Other Requirement Strategies  Requirement Baseline process Define the process to baseline the requirements after specific time interval
      Requirement Nomenclature Process Define the Nomenclatures for each type and activity in Requirement management process
      Communication Define the communication process for all Requirement Reviews, Change, Requirement Status
        Define the communication email content and stakeholders list
2 Test Management SYS.4.BP1, SYS.4.BP2, SYS.4.BP3 Test Planning Identify the Requirements for Validation identify the requirements that need validation 
  SYS.4.BP4, SYS.4.BP5, SYS.4.BP6     Identify the types of testing
  SYS.4.BP7, SYS.4.BP8, SYS.4.BP9      
      Create the Test Plan Create different types of Test Plans for  - System Integration, System Qualification test, Software Unit Test, Software Integration Test, Software Qualification Test, Mechanical/Hardware System Integration Test, Mechanical/Hardware System Qualification
        Define the Overall purpose of the test plan
  SYS.5.BP1, SYS.5.BP2, SYS.5.BP3     Define the testing phases and dependencies
  SYS.5.BP4, SYS.5.BP5, SYS.5.BP6     Define the milestones
  SYS.5.BP7     Identify the Testing timeline (Start date - End date)
        Define the Entry criteria
  SWE.4.BP1, SWE.4.BP2, SWE.4.BP3,      Define the Exit criteria
  SWE.4.BP4, SWE.4.BP5, SWE.4.BP6   Define the Testing Environment Identify the different platforms needed for testing
  SWE.4.BP7     Define the all Testing Environments needed for testing
  SWE.5.BP2, SWE.5.BP3, SWE.5.BP5 Test Authoring Create the Test Cases Create the test cases to validate the Requirements
  SWE.5.BP6, SWE.5.BP9     Define Pre-condition and Post condition for each test case
        Define the Risks for each test
  SWE.6.BP1, SWE.6.BP2, SWE.6.BP3     Add the additional attributes - phase, Test type etc.
  SWE.6.BP4, SWE.6.BP5, SWE.6.BP6      
  SWE.6.BP7   Create the test steps Create the detailed test steps needed to execute the test case
        Define the expected result
  SUP.4.BP1, SUP.4.BP2, SUP.4.BP3      
  SUP.4.BP4, SUP.4.BP5, SUP.4.BP6   Create the traceability Link the Requirements with Test Cases, System Design, issues, defect etc.
  SUP.4.BP7, SUP.4.BP8      
      Test case collection Group the test cases based on type or execution milestones 
  MSE.3.BP2, MSE.3.BP3, MSE.3.BP5      
  MSE.3.BP6, MSE.3.BP7, MSE.3.BP8 Test Execution Assign the Test Cases for execution Identify the Test cases Or Group of test cases needs to execute 
  MSE.3.BP9     Assign the test cases to validation team Or Engineer 
  MSE.4.BP1,MSE.4.BP2, MSE.4.BP3   Start the Test Case execution Start the Test case execution one by one
  MSE.4.BP4, MSE.4.BP5, MSE.4.BP6     Perform the each test step mentioned in Test case
      Capture the Test case Results Capture the actual result for each step
  MCE.4.BP1, MCE.4.BP2, MCE.4.BP3     Raise the defect for each failed step
  MCE.4.BP4, MCE.4.BP5, MCE.4.BP6     Link the required evidences/attachments to test case while updating the result
  MCE.4.BP7     All pass test cases marked as validated
  MCE.5.BP1, MCE.5.BP2, MCE.5.BP3 Test Tracking Track the Testing status Track the testing status with the help of dashboards and report
  MCE.5.BP4, MCE.5.BP5, MCE.5.BP6     Track the defect/issues raised for test cases
  MCE.5.BP7     Once Issues/defect is closed rerun the test case
        Capture new results
        All pass test cases marked as validated
      Communication Define the communication process for all Test case Reviews, Defects, Test Results
        Define the communication email content and stakeholders list
3 Planning MAN.3.BP1, MAN.3.BP2, MAN.3.BP3 Project planning Create the Project Plan Create the Release plan 
  MAN.3.BP4, MAN.3.BP5, MAN.3.BP5     Create the schedule and work breakdown structure (tasks)
  MAN.3.BP6, MAN.3.BP7, MAN.3.BP8     Add the Start date and End date of Schedule
  MAN.3.BP9, MAN.3.BP10     Add the Dependencies of the tasks
        Add the Constraints in schedule
        Identify the Risks and associate them to the plan
        Perform Resource assignments
      Project plan execution Task assignment done for resources
        Resources start working on task 
        Complete the assigned task 
        Update the actual finish date
        Task marked as finish
      Communication Define the communication process for all Task assignments, status,
        Define the communication email content and stakeholders list
4 Risk Management MAN.5.BP1, MAN.5.BP2, MAN.5.BP3 Risk Management Process Risk Management Scope Determine the scope of risk management to be performed for the project
  MAN.5.BP4, MAN.5.BP5, MAN.5.BP6     Define appropriate strategies to identify risks, mitigate risks and set acceptability levels for each risk
      Identify the Risk Identify risks to the project
        Define the Risk Probability
        Define the Risk Impact
        Define the Risk Priority
        Define the Risk Category
      Risk Validation Validate the Risk
        Accept the Risk
      Risk Mitigation Define the Risk Action/treatment action
        Mitigate the Risk
        Monitor risks
        Take corrective action if expected progress in risk mitigation is not achieved
        Close the Risk
5 Change Management SUP.10.BP1, SUP.10.BP2, SUP.10.BP3 Change management process Create the Change Request Create the change request 
  SUP.10.BP4, SUP.10.BP5, SUP.10.BP6     Link the affected Requirements, defect, issues or tasks
  SUP.10.BP7, SUP.10.BP8     Assign the owner for change request
        fill the all required attributes in change request
      Change Request Execution Perform the impact analysis for the change
  SYS.1.BP5,     Propose the solution for affected items
        Submit the Change request to review
      Change Request Review Perform the change request review using approval workflow
        Enter the review comments
        Promote/Demote the Change Request for further action
      Change Request Implementation Based on the Review, implement Or Discard the changes
        Link the implementation task with change Request
        Close the change Request
6 Defect Management SUP.9.BP1, SUP.9.BP2, SUP.9.BP3 Defect Management Process Create the Defect Create the Defect for failed test cases/test script
  SUP.9.BP4, SUP.9.BP5, SUP.9.BP6     Assign the owner to Defect
  SUP.9.BP7, SUP.9.BP8, SUP.9.BP9     fill the all required attributes in defect 
      Defect Execution Perform the impact analysis for the defect
        Add the Root cause analysis
        Suggest the interim containment action
        Send the defect for review
      Defect Review Perform the defect review
        Approve Or Reject the RCA and suggested action
        Promote/Demote the defect for further action
      Defect Resolution Based on the Review, implement the interim solution
        Work on the Permanent corrective action
        Take approval on Permanent corrective action
        Implement the solution to fix the Defect
        Close the defect
7 Issue Management SUP.9.BP1, SUP.9.BP2, SUP.9.BP3 Issue Management Process Create the Issue Create the Issue for any type of problem. E.g. Requirements, test cases, planning, system modeling etc.
  SUP.9.BP4, SUP.9.BP5, SUP.9.BP6     Assign the owner to issue
  SUP.9.BP7, SUP.9.BP8, SUP.9.BP9     fill the all required attributes in issue 
      Issue Execution Perform the impact analysis for the issue
        Add the Risks
        Suggest the solution
        Send the issue for review
      Issue Review Perform the issue review
        Approve Or Reject the issue resolution 
        Promote/Demote the issue for further action
      Issue Resolution Based on the Review, if resolution involves change then create the change request else provide the solution and close the issue
        If change request is raised, link the change request to Issue
        Track the change request
        Once change request is closed then close the issue.
8 Configuration Management SUP.8.BP1, SUP.8.BP2, SUP.8.BP3 Configuration Management Create Master Configuration Create the Master Configuration for Requirements
  SUP.8.BP4, SUP.8.BP5, SUP.8.BP6     Create the Master Configuration for Test Management
  SUP.8.BP7, SUP.8.BP8, SUP.8.BP9     Create the Master Configuration for System Design
        Identify the Variable attributes for Variants
        Establish the traceability between Requirements and test cases
      Baseline the Master Configuration Finalize the Requirements, test cases and system model in master configuration
        Create the baseline for Master Configuration
      Create the Variants Create the Variants from Master Configuration
        Update the Requirements and test cases variable attribute values
        Update the features in system model as per updated requirements
      Deliver/Accept the Changes in Variants Deliver/Accept the changes to/From Master or any other variant on need basis
9 Reporting & Dashboard   Reporting  Create the Reports List the Requirements related to Reports Requirements
        Create the Queries/Reports for Requirements 
        List the Requirements related to Reports Test management
        Create the Queries/Reports for Test management
        List the Requirements related Change/Issue/Defect/Planning
        Create the Queries/Reports for Change/Issue/Defect/Planning
      Run/Export/Publish the Reports Run the Queries/reports
        Export the Report into various format (Word, excel. ppt etc.)
        Publish the reports using publishing engine
    Dashboards Create the Dashboards Create the Project Specific dashboard
        Create Team specific dashboard
        Create user level dashboard
        Add the all required project status related reports/widgets into dashboard
        Dashboard should display live project status
10 Sources Code Management   Sources Code Management Generate the Code Create the plan for code development
        Perform Resource assignments
        Generate the Code as per the Requirements
  SUP.2.BP1, SUP.2.BP2, SUP.2.BP3     Build the code
  SUP.2.BP4,SUP.2.BP5     Perform the testing 
        Create the Defect/issues incase of any test fails
        fix the bug issues found during code testing
        Perform the code Review
        Release the code version
      Manage the code versions Create the new version of the code based on the change request
        Update the code
        Release the another code version
11 System Design SYS.3.BP1, SYS.3.BP2, SYS.3.BP3 System Architecture Defined Solution neutral function Define solution neutral function
  SYS.3.BP4, SYS.3.BP6, SYS.3.BP7     Define Solution concepts
      Identify the system, form and function Identify the system boundary
  SWE.2.BP1, SWE.2.BP2, SWE.2.BP3     Decompose the system into various entities(forms)
  SWE.2.BP4, SWE.2.BP5, SWE.2.BP6     Define various functions of system/subsystem
  SWE.2.BP7, SWE.2.BP8, SWE.2.BP9     Predict the emergence
  SWE.3.BP1, SWE.3.BP2, SWE.3.BP3,   Identify relationships between entities Define formal relationships
  SWE.3.BP4, SWE.3.BP5, SWE.3.BP6     Define functional relationships
  SWE.3.BP7, SWE.3.BP8,      
      Define architecture to represent form and functions Create High Level architecture for system using block definition diagram or Design Structure Matrix (DSM) or OPM
  SUP.2.BP1, SUP.2.BP2, SUP.2.BP3     Define Product Architecture
  SUP.2.BP4,SUP.2.BP5     Define Process Architecture
        Define Organizational Architecture
  MSE.2.BP1, MSE.2.BP2, MSE.2.BP3      
  MSE.2.BP4, MSE.2.BP5, MSE.2.BP6   Create Product Architecture Diagram Define forms(subsystems) involved in the system
  MSE.2.BP7, MSE.2.BP8, MSE.2.BP9     Identify interfaces between subsystems
  MSE.2.BP10, MSE.2.BP11     Identify modules based on the interdependent subsystems
  SWE.5.BP1, SWE.5.BP4   Create Process Architecture Diagram Create the Sub-system function diagram using internal block definition diagram (IBD)/DSM
  SWE.5.BP7, SWE.5.BP8     Identify data flow between different processes(functions)
      Create Organization Architecture Diagram Identify people/group working on the modules identified
        Create a chart diagram
    Create System Model System Model Creation Create the system model
      Select model profile (SysML, Harmony/UML  etc.)
      Perform the model simulation Run the model simulation
      Perform the Model Testing Create the test Architecture profile
        Create function as a SUT (system under test) 
        Create the Sequence diagram for Testing
        Generate the Test results
        Link the Test results with Test Cases
      Generate the code using system model Execute/Build the model
        Generate the code form the model
        fix the bug issues found while generating the code
    Create Software Design Software Architectural Design Develop software architectural design
        Allocate software requirements
        Define interfaces of software elements
        Describe dynamic behavior
        Define resource consumption objectives (e,g,resources like Memory (ROM, RAM, external / internal EEPROM or Data Flash), CPU load, etc.
        Evaluate alternative software architectures.
      Detailed Software Design Develop software detailed design
        Define interfaces of software units
        Describe dynamic behavior
        Evaluate software detailed design
        Establish bidirectional traceability between software requirements and software units, Architecture Design
        Develop software units
    Mechanical/Hardware System Design Mechanical/Hardware System Architectural Design Develop mechanical/hardware system architectural design
        Allocate mechanical/hardware system requirements. Establish bidirectional traceability
        Define interfaces of mechanic/hardware elements
        Identify special characteristics
        Describe dynamic and static behavior
        Evaluate alternative mechanical system architectures
12 Physical Design/Engineering   Physical Design 3D and 2D data management Manage Seed part/start part template
SUP.2.BP1, SUP.2.BP2, SUP.2.BP3 Create a new Concept design
SUP.2.BP4,SUP.2.BP5 Convert concept design to production design
  Create 3D Part
MSE.3.BP1, MSE.3.BP4,  Apply material to CAD Parts
  Create 3D Assembly
  Define 2D Creation strategy.
(Create drawing for each part based on "one to one mapping" with 3D model or One drawing to many model)
  Define/ Add GD & T details on 3D Part/Assembly
MCE.2.BP1, MCE.2.BP2, MCE.2.BP3 Map CAD attributes to PLM.
Ex.COG, Weight, MOI etc.
MCE.2.BP4, MCE.2.BP5, MCE.2.BP6 Manage symmetrical Parts
Ex. Front Doors, Headlamp components
MCE.3.BP1, MCE.3.BP2, MCE.3.BP3 Design Data Mgmt. Manage variation in design between natural state & the state in any assembly.
Ex. Wire harness positioning in the assembly
MCE.3.BP4, MCE.3.BP5, MCE.3.BP6 Define material attribute in CAD & map it with PLM Environment to reflect material properties in PLM
  Define materials library to be used during CAD design 
SUP.4.BP1, SUP.4.BP2, SUP.4.BP3 Import & manage custom material library which should be reflected to designer for selection
SUP.4.BP4, SUP.4.BP5, SUP.4.BP6 Create Styling part type
SUP.4.BP7, SUP.4.BP8 Control visibility of styling data to selected groups & roles.
  Define styling part release process
  Ensure styling part access to all the approvers.
  Design Release Mgmt. Define & configure 3D Part release process
  Define & configure 3D Assembly release process
  Define & configure 2D data release process
  Define process for releasing multiple parts together
  Define Document Release process
  Data effectivity definition
  Data effectivity rules definition
  Data effectivity update & modification
  Manage data maturity at different phases of product lifecycle
  Manage required attributes at different data maturity states
  Engineering EBOM Management Define "Neutral Product Structure/ Vehicle BOM template" for managing vehicle structure
(Ex. Product -> System -> Subsystem -> Configurable Node)
  Define node ownership for creation/modification of parts
  Add part/assembly in EBOM
  Create and Manage BOM Line/Assembly attributes at each Vehicle structure level
  Manage Cross-Domain assembly
  Add Make/Buy definition to the components/assemblies/subsystems
  Calculate Weight roll-up in EBOM
  Add find number to parts in EBOM
  Display each component in the BOM only once.
Associate the quantity of instances to parts in the BOM
  Manage Electrical Parts with specific naming and revision rules
  Add software parts to EBOM
  Manage Label Part in the system
  Consume Standard parts in EBOM
  Manage Consumable parts in EBOM
  Create Precise - Imprecise assembly
(Manage relationship between specific part & product revision)
  Filter BOM Based on revision effectivity
  Filter BOM Based on Date effectivity
  Filter BOM Based on Release Status
  Create & manage BOM Baselines for different configurations
  Define & manage BOM Release process
  Purchase BOM Mgmt. Derive Purchase BOM from EBOM using
  Manage Direct Buy/ Consignment Parts
  Manage Link/tracking between buy level  component/sub-system and supplier package  scope
  Create data package for exchange with supplier
(neutralized 3D /2D data, specifications etc.)
  Manage purchasing related attributes (costing data) and access control on it.
Ex. Take rate, Trim Level, costing data etc.
  Manage Engineering change impact. Update supplier package with latest data
  Software BOM Manage Software Parts with specific naming and revision rules
  Manage software Part updates in the form of Item revision in PLM
  Part Search Perform part search based on one or many attributes (OOTB/Custom)
  Perform part search based on date range of creation\release
  Refine search based on multiple query criteria
  View part search results filtered based on access rights
  Document Management Classify Documents into types
  Manage Document Templates
  Create Document based on saved templates
  Define Document release process
  Quality Data Management Prepare & manage Quality Plan
  Manage Quality Document template library
  Create New Quality Documents
  Revise Quality Documents
  Prepare & complete Quality document approval checklists
  Manage Corrective and Preventive Actions
  Part Library mgmt. Create universal standard parts classification hierarchy
Ex. Nuts, Bolts, Washers etc.
  Classify standard parts into groups & sub-groups
  Create Classification attributes
  Classify IP data.
Ex. Batteries
  Classify old/new parts
  Manage Revisions for CAD & Drawing updates (for previously classified parts)
  Control read/edit access to classified parts
  Define parameter based classified part search
  Manage new standard part requests
  Search and reuse classified parts
  Resource Lib Mgmt. Create & manage resource library hierarchy structure
  Classify resources
  Utilize resources in MBOM
  Utilize resources in Plant BOM
  ERP Integration - with PLM Map attributes between ERP & PLM
  Send Part List to ERP
  Send Change Number to ERP
  Map Purchase BOM flow to ERP
  Map Manufacturing BOM flow to ERP
  Map Manufacturing Process flow to ERP
  Sync changes between ERP & PLM
  Application Lifecycle Management Develop Software
  Test Software
  Manage SW Releases
  Manage SW Bugs
  Maintain software-Hardware Compatibility
  PLM - ALM Data Exchange Sync code changes between PLM-ALM
  Manufacturing MBOM Mgmt. Manage MBOM Generation for product variants
  Manage structure changes (flexibility) in MBOM
  Associate MBOM to EBOM
  Run Accountability check between MBOM & EBOM
  Add raw material to MBOM
  Manage Alternate/Substitute Part
  Manage Changes between EBOM-MBOM
  Plant BOM Mgmt. Create Plant structure
  Associate resources to Plant
  Associate Process BOM to Plant BOM
  Electronic Work Instructions (EWI) Store Work Instructions in Library
  Search Work instructions in Library
  Convert Work instruction in Customer's format 
  Modify work instructions based on Engineering Change
  Send EWI change notification to all relevant stations
  Manage EWI revisions & maturity status
  ERP- Manufacturing Planning Define Mfg. Schedule
  Plan Logistics
  Track Manufacturing Plan status
  Perform Kitting
  Supplier data management Supplier database creation & maintenance
  Supplier login creation & access management
  Supplier data exchange with In-house supplier
  Supplier data exchange with outside supplier (data with IP)
  Manage original CAD design sharing
  Supplier data exchange with outside supplier (data without IP)
  Neutralize CAD design for sharing with suppliers
  Manage design collaboration through neutral file exchange
  Update supplier package to & from supplier based on change management
  Supply Chain Management Build SOR for Buy Parts
  Float RFQs
  Select Supplier based on bids
  Execute PPAP with supplier